Depois do lançamento da “Asuka Langley Shikinami with Japanese Sword” e dentro das previsões já anunciadas, a empresa Takara Tommy, empresa japonesa fabricante de brinquedos, merchandising infantil e entretenimento anunciou a versão de Mari Illustrious Makinami em homenagem à exposição “Evangelion and Japanese Swords”.
Medindo cerca de 27 centímetros, “Mari Makinami with Japanese Sword” está em pré-venda até o dia 25 de novembro na Eva Store por 16.200 Ienes.
Confira as fotos abaixo, inclusive com os itens que acompanham:
After the release of “Asuka Langley Shikinami with Japanese Sword” and on prevision already announced, Takara Tommy n, Japanese manufacturer of toys, children’s merchandising and entertainment announced the Mari Illustrious Makinami version in honor of the exhibition “Evangelion and Japanese Swords “. Measuring about 27 centimeters, “Mari Makinami with Japanese Sword” is in pre-sale until the 25th of November at Eva Store for 16,200 Yen. Check out the photos below, including the accompanying items:for english text, click here